Luận Văn Tốt Nghiệp A Study On Common Pronunciation Mistakes Of The Third Year English Major Students

Discussion in 'Chuyên Ngành Ngôn Ngữ Anh' started by nhandanglv123, Nov 29, 2021.

  1. nhandanglv123

    nhandanglv123 Moderator

    A Study On Common Pronunciation Mistakes Of The Third Year English Major Students At Haiphong Private University And Some Suggested Solutions
    In fact, speaking English well depends on many factors, such as grammar, intonation, accent, vocabulary, and pronunciation. From my experience, most students have many difficulties and mistakes when they pronounce English words, phrases or dialogues. Even the students who have a long history of learning English, when they apply their language skills in practice, they still have problems with pronunciation errors, especially difficult consonants, ending sounds, stress and intonation rules. These seem to be most common pronunciation mistakes of third year major students in Haiphong Private University.
    • Luận văn tốt nghiệp
    • Chuyên ngành Ngôn ngữ anh
    • Người hướng dẫn: Ths. Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Hoa
    • Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Trà My
    • Số trang: 72
    • Kiểu file: PDF
    • Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh
    • Đại Học Quản Lý Và Công Nghệ Hải Phòng 2018
    Link Download

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