Luận Văn Tốt Nghiệp A Study On Difficulties In English Speaking Skill Of The Non-Major Students

Discussion in 'Chuyên Ngành Ngôn Ngữ Anh' started by nhandanglv123, Nov 29, 2021.

  1. nhandanglv123

    nhandanglv123 Moderator

    A Study On Difficulties In English Speaking Skill Of The Non-Major Students At Hai Phong Private University
    To the non- English major, speaking English become the important factor, play an essential role in professional work environment. In fact, it is not easy to study well a foreign language like English. Almost students have difficulties in communication such as student’s local voice, student’s characteristic, learning material, teaching method, etc… affect students’ success in learning English speking skill. With the hope of helping the non-English major students find the difficulties in learning English process, the main aims are finding out the problems and explainations in English speaking study. Moreover, some suggestions on techniques to study English speaking have been given. Hopefully, students will make good the weaknesses in learningspeaking English so they will be interested in the lecture and get better results.
    • Luận văn tốt nghiệp
    • Chuyên ngành Ngôn ngữ anh
    • Người hướng dẫn: ThS. Bùi Thị Tuyết Mai
    • Tác giả: Trịnh Thị Phương Huyền
    • Số trang: 43
    • Kiểu file: PDF
    • Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh
    • Đại Học Quản Lý Và Công Nghệ Hải Phòng 2019
    Link Download

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