Luận Văn Tốt Nghiệp A Study On Irony In Some O’ Henry’s Short Stories

Discussion in 'Chuyên Ngành Ngôn Ngữ Anh' started by nhandanglv123, Nov 29, 2021.

  1. nhandanglv123

    nhandanglv123 Moderator

    A Study On Irony In Some O’ Henry’s Short Stories
    Irony is a special rhetorical figure used to express the opposite meaning or one‟s negative attitude to something, therefore, irony always concludes the clear expression and maybe excessiveness. The listener often receives the over-praises or opposite ones, s/he needs to be praised while receives a blame, and needs a criticism but receives a praise. Particularly, the speaker shows the illogical statement, for instants presented.
    • Luận văn tốt nghiệp
    • Chuyên ngành Ngôn ngữ anh
    • Người hướng dẫn: Nguyễn Thị Thúy Thu
    • Tác giả: Hoàng Anh Tuấn
    • Số trang: 58
    • Kiểu file: PDF
    • Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh
    • Đại Học Quản Lý Và Công Nghệ Hải Phòng 2010
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