Luận Văn Tốt Nghiệp A Study On Using Some Typical Types Of Punctuation Properly In Written English And Common Mistake

Discussion in 'Chuyên Ngành Ngôn Ngữ Anh' started by nhandanglv123, Nov 29, 2021.

  1. nhandanglv123

    nhandanglv123 Moderator

    A Study On Using Some Typical Types Of Punctuation Properly In Written English And Common Mistake Made By Vietnamese Learners
    Writing is a difficult skill, which requires a basic background of English grammar. In written English, writers always have to pay attention to many grammar factors such as tenses, sentence structures, parts of speech, conjunctions, and punctuation marks. Each of them plays a vital role in making a correct sentence, especially punctuation. A complete sentence hardly ever misses punctuation marks. Each of them plays an important part in making a correct sentence, especially punctuations. A complete sentence hardly ever misses punctuation marks. In fact, punctuation marks have a big role in making clear the meaning of a sentence, avoiding the ambiguity.
    • Luận văn tốt nghiệp
    • Chuyên ngành Ngôn ngữ anh
    • Người hướng dẫn: ThS. Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Hoa
    • Tác giả: Trần Thùy Dương
    • Số trang: 74
    • Kiểu file: PDF
    • Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh
    • Đại Học Quản Lý Và Công Nghệ Hải Phòng 2018
    Link Download

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