Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ Hiện Tượng Trộn Mã Việt-Anh Trong Các Bài Viết Blogs Về Làm Đẹp Của Một Số Blogger Trẻ Tại Việt Nam

Discussion in 'Chuyên Ngành Ngữ Văn' started by nhandanglv123, Feb 20, 2021.

  1. nhandanglv123

    nhandanglv123 Moderator

    Hiện Tượng Trộn Mã Việt-Anh Trong Các Bài Viết Blogs Về Làm Đẹp Của Một Số Blogger Trẻ Tại Việt Nam
    First, regarding the structurally linguistic patterns of the switch from the donor language to the base language, findings showed that the majority of the alternations occur when there was the need for content lexical items in the establishment of tagging for nouns, verbs, and adjectives within the sentences, with noun replacements were found to be dominantly frequent. Within a sentence, or intra-sentential, this was the most popular pattern of the Matrix Language + Embedded Language constituents, meaning that in an utterance of the matrix language, embedded language will be inserted at certain structural points. Idiomatic expressions did appear at several positions, indicating an entire implanted constituent from the donor language. Second, regarding the social functions of the switch, the study has found that unmarked choices of CS were the prominently driven factor for the occurrence of language alternation in these blogs. The functions of clarification, quotation, interjection, and repetition were found through the collected data. The contexts for CS to occur in each entry may seem similar yet unique, which is the reason why the functions that could been across the entries were subject to get overlapped and repeated.
    • M.A THESIS
    • Major: English Linguistics
    • Code: 8220201.01
    • Author: Nguyễn Thị Kim Chi
    • Supervisor: TS. Nguyễn Thị Thu Thuỷ
    • Page: 88
    • File PDF-TRUE
    Link download

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