Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ Nghiên Cứu Việc Sử Dụng Ngữ Cảnh Tình Huống Vào Giảng Dạy Ngữ Pháp Cho Sinh Viên Không Chuyên

Discussion in 'Lý Luận Và Phương Pháp Dạy Học - Môn Tiếng Anh' started by nhandanglv123, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. nhandanglv123

    nhandanglv123 Moderator

    Nghiên Cứu Việc Sử Dụng Ngữ Cảnh Tình Huống Vào Giảng Dạy Ngữ Pháp Cho Sinh Viên Không Chuyên Tiếng Anh Năm Thứ Nhất Tại Một Trường Đại Học Ở Thành Phố Nam Định
    In order to be fluency in English, grammar is considered to be the basis to develop other four skills. However, when teaching grammar to first-year students at University of Economics and Technical Industry, the author of this research found out that students were not interested in learning grammar. Hence, they did not focus on the lesson and ignored doing exercises resulting in bad marks in the tests and exams. Thanks to the reasons above, the researcher decided to use situational contexts to teach grammar for students. The aims of carrying out this research were to find out students‟ interest in grammar lessons which apply situational contexts and measure whether students can complete grammar exercises better after practicing with situational contexts. In order to do this research, the researcher first makes plans for the study by preparing situational contexts and deciding how they are applied in the classroom. Then, the action stage takes place. All the situational contexts are put into practice. The teacher gives them to students and they have to make presentation about those situational contexts. During this stage, all things happened in the class are observed and taken notes. At the same time, after each try-out lesson, there is a test given at the end of the lesson in order to measure students‟ progress. Last but not least, the action is evaluated by analyzing and comparing the results of the test and summarizing and discussing the observation notes. In the end, the researcher gives comments and conclusions about the study.
    • Luận văn thạc sĩ giáo dục
    • Chuyên ngành lý luận và phương pháp dạy học tiếng Anh
    • Người hướng dẫn: TS Hà Cẩm Tâm
    • Tác giả: Lại Thị Hiền
    • Số trang: 71
    • File PDF-TRUE
    • Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng anh
    • Trường ĐH Ngoại Ngữ Hà Nội 2014
    Link download

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