Oxford Discover 3 Teacher's Book

Discussion in 'Teaching Resource Pack' started by admin, Nov 23, 2020.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    Oxford Discover is a six-level course, created to address the evolving needs of young learners of English in the 21st century. Second language acquisition is now much more than an academic pursuit. It has become an essential skill for global cooperation and problem solving. Oxford Discover is centered on the belief that language and literacy skills are best taught within a framework of critical thinking and global awareness, and it aims to guide students toward the broader goals of communication. Oxford Discover creates a positive and motivating learning environment by: • providing content that is relevant, informative, and academic. • offering multiple perspectives on topics across the curriculum. • allowing students to consider key concept questions that they revisit as they gain more information. • challenging students to think critically about topics, issues, and questions. • developing strategies that help students perform well in tests. • fostering a love of reading and writing.
    • Series: Oxford Discover 6 Levels
    • ISBN: 978 0 19 427836 2
    • Author: Susan Rivers, Emma Wilkinson, Charles Vilina
    • Publisher: Oxford University Press
    • Year: 2018
    • Language: English
    • Paperback: 233
    • Size: 36 MB
    • Format: PDF-TRUE
    Link download

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