Oxford New Countdown to First Certificate Teacher's Book

Discussion in 'Teaching Resource Pack' started by admin, Nov 14, 2021.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    'Countdown to First Certificate' bridges the gap between intermediate level and the First Certificate exam. It introduces teenage learners to graded exam format tasks while giving them a strong foundation in vocabulary and grammar. Michael Duckworth is a teacher and author who has worked in schools in Africa, the Far East, and Europe. He has written a number of successful courses, including several aimed at preparing students for, or leading up to, Cambridge ESOL examinations. Kathy Gude is an EFL consultant and author. She has taught students of all levels of ability on general and business courses, and examination classes in Italy and Britain. Kathy has also worked for many years on a freelance basis for Cambridge ESOL, and as a teacher trainer and ESOL teacher.
    • Series: New Countdown
    • ISBN: 978-0194801065
    • Author: Michael Duckworth
    • Publisher: Oxford University Press
    • Year: 2008
    • Language: English
    • Paperback: 118
    • Size: 2,16 MB
    • Format: PDF-TRUE
    Link download

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