Oxford Primary Skills 6 Reading and Writing Teaching Notes

Discussion in 'Teaching Resource Pack' started by admin, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    Oxford Primary Skills gives you extra support teaching reading and writing skills in the classroom. The topics and order of the units have been specially designed to complement what your students are learning in language lessons, making it the perfect partner for your current coursebook. The wide variety of entertaining and ‘real’ text types such as websites and magazine articles ensures you get material students will want to read. The interesting content motivates students to develop essential skills such as reading for detail and reading for gist, and each reading comprehension is thoroughly supported with a pre- and post- reading activity. The writing tasks give students the opportunity to write about themselves. This increases their confidence and enthusiasm to write. Each task is carefully designed so students receive the right amount of support and challenge to improve their writing skills. The model text helps students to structure their writing, and the pre-writing exercise enables them to practise punctuation, syntax, and text structuring. Vocabulary exercises give students the chance to practise the new words they have learnt alongside familiar vocabulary items from their coursebook.
    American Oxford Primary Skills, providing you with extensive teaching notes which include an easy to follow answer key for each exercise. The teaching notes will guide you carefully through each level of the Reading and writing series to help you make the most of each unit. All the reading texts are available on the Audio CD.
    • Series: Oxford Primary Skills 6 Levels
    • ISBN: 978-0-19-467408-9
    • Author: Jimmy Quintana
    • Publisher: Oxford University Press
    • Year: 2009
    • Language: English
    • Paperback: 24
    • Size: 1,00 MB
    • Format: PDF-TRUE
    Link download

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