Phát Triển Tài Liệu Đọc Nhằm Nâng Cao Kĩ Năng Đọc Cho Học Sinh Lớp 10 Tại Một Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Ở Bắc NinhThis thesis reports the findings of an action researchstudyto improve reading skill for grade 10studentsat a high schoolin Bac Ninh province. It attempts to find students‟ opinions of the current textbook, theirdifficulties in learning reading skill in order to provide suitable supplementary reading materialsto improve students‟ reading competence. The data was collected via questionnaireswith 40 students at a high schoolin Bac Ninh province, diagnostic and final testand classroom‟s observation. The findings of this study have shown that most of the students find the reading texts in thecurrent textbookinteresting and relevant with suitable reading tasks. However, they find it hard to improve their reading skillsbecause they lacked reading strategies and suitable supplementary reading materials. Theresearch also gave some suggestions in suitable reading materials and reading strategiesto helpthestudents improve their reading comprehension. Surprisingly, her students make great progress in reading skillsafter the supplementationtime. M.A MINOR THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 8140231.01 Author: Cao Thị Thắm Supervisor: Vu Thi Thanh Nha, Ph.D Page: 109 File PDF-TRUE Link download